Saturday, February 2, 2008

The Decision Maker

As a salesman, I only meet with a potential client if I know for a fact that all decision makers will be at the meeting. This allows me a certain level of control. Let's say that you just had a great meeting with Joe Buyer, and he let you know how much he loves your widgets. The only problem...Joe has to go home and run everything by his wife before a decision can be made. When people receive second hand information, it is often times distorted, confusing, and flat out wrong. You have lost control of the sale. You better hope Joe is an excellent salesman with an impeccable memory.

When I am the potential client for a product or service, I am a representative of the decision maker and cannot make a decision without their consent. The control is once again on my side. I cannot be pressured into making a decision on the spot because I must consult with my wife/partner/whatever.