Thursday, February 7, 2008

Handling Buyer’s Remorse

One of the most frustrating things in sales is when you sign up a client and get the dreaded “I’ve changed my mind” phone call the next day. After all the time you spent with them and the flawless presentation you gave, to no avail. You blame the prospect and spend the afternoon complaining to other sales reps.

Here’s the solution! It is handling buyer’s remorse before it handles you. If a client has agreed to buy my product or service, I say this, “Before we part today, I want to make sure that you are completely satisfied with our meeting and really want to move forward with this. Sometimes, a couple days go by and people change their minds. I just want to make sure that is not the case here.”

After I say that, I just shut up and listen. This is when the client speaks up and justifies to you how happy they are about the product or service. Get them to assure you that they have made up their mind, and you just got a client.