It has been awhile since my last post and I'm about to tell you why...
I've been sleeping. Just kidding. I've been busy. What does that really mean anyway? Everybody says their busy. Actually, I am focusing on a couple of my other internet projects and am not making time to continue posting on this blog. I may start posting here again soon but then again, I may not. Check out my other sites to stay in touch.
Thanks for your support!
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Piracy: Fight It or Compete With It

As I was finishing the book, I came across a great article on Mashable about how Nine Inch Nails is embracing the change. They have put the first volume of their new album on torrent sites to be downloaded for free. It's a multi volume album and if you want the rest of it, you can download it off their website for $5. How about that for cutting out record labels and industry execs?
In The Pirates Dilemma, there was a great story about how Madonna unfortunately decided to fight piracy years ago. By the end of it, someone had hacked into her site, posted all the songs from her new album up to download for free, and wrote a message across the top of the site about how the "pirate community" felt about her.
The music industry is not the only one under fire. Don't count yourself out. The free economy is already in motion. Check out the latest issue of Wired. The headline for article states "Why $0.00 is the future of business."
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Another Twist to Social Networking

Find a Mentor & Do What Your Told

One of the things that he said has stuck with me to this day. He said, "The worst mistake that you can make is not doing exactly what I tell you to do." He was not saying this from an arrogant view point. He was simply talking from experience. He has seen the market go up. He has seen the market go down and everything in between. He knows what works and what doesn't.
Every time that something isn't going as well it should or we are having some sort of problem in the business, I am reminded of his words. I have to ask myself, "What did he tell me to do that I am not doing?"
No matter what business you are involved with, having a mentor is key to your success. You can get where you want to be faster, more profitably, and without as many headaches. Seek out a mentor and do what is said. Once your system is running smoothe, then and only then, tweak what you are doing to strive for more.
P.S. A mentor relationship does not have to include personal contact. I have mentors that don't even know I exist. I learn from them through books, CDs, courses, etc.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Extra Money Making Opportunities

We use it primarily for our own jobs. But being in the business that we are, we come across people that need demolition services from time to time. A couple weeks ago, we were contacted by someone that wanted some demo work done. We gave them a bid for $2,600 and they accepted. After all expenses paid, we will make around $1K. Not bad for a side job!
What do you have access to that could make you some extra money on the side? What assets or abilities could you leverage to make more money?
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Monday, February 18, 2008
Aligning Yourself for Success
I went down to Edisto this past weekend with a friend of mine, Adam Witty. We go once a year to talk about our goals and do some business planning. He is a fellow entrepreneur who has started several different companies.
Adam joined one of Dan Kennedy's programs recently and has positioned himself to be one of the speakers at Dan's next event. If you don't know the name Dan Kennedy, learn it quick. He is the king of direct response advertising.
Anyway, Adam is going to be doing a pitch on his "talk a book" program. Adam is a publisher and is going to be selling a publishing package for $20K. Dan's partner, Bill Glazer, thinks that Adam could sell 20 or more packages at the seminar. How about that for a weekend, $400,000!
That's power in numbers. There will be a ton of people at that event because Dan Kennedy draws a large crowd of devoted followers. By Adam aligning himself with Dan's network, he is going to be in for a nice payday.
P.S. If you have a book in you, check out Adam's company Advantage Media Group. They did my last book.
Adam joined one of Dan Kennedy's programs recently and has positioned himself to be one of the speakers at Dan's next event. If you don't know the name Dan Kennedy, learn it quick. He is the king of direct response advertising.
Anyway, Adam is going to be doing a pitch on his "talk a book" program. Adam is a publisher and is going to be selling a publishing package for $20K. Dan's partner, Bill Glazer, thinks that Adam could sell 20 or more packages at the seminar. How about that for a weekend, $400,000!
That's power in numbers. There will be a ton of people at that event because Dan Kennedy draws a large crowd of devoted followers. By Adam aligning himself with Dan's network, he is going to be in for a nice payday.
P.S. If you have a book in you, check out Adam's company Advantage Media Group. They did my last book.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Most of you have probably heard by now that Microsoft made Yahoo! an offer. Well, Yahoo! rejected the offer and is having talks with New Corp.
Check out RealTechNews. They have written a couple posts on their blog lately about it. It's going to be interesting to see how it all pans out. Talk about a big deal. This is about as big as they get.
Check out RealTechNews. They have written a couple posts on their blog lately about it. It's going to be interesting to see how it all pans out. Talk about a big deal. This is about as big as they get.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Have You Read The E-Myth Yet?

Go get the book and read it. Before, as Gerber would say, you have an entrepreneurial seizure and end up creating a job for yourself.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Form a Mastermind Group

We had formed a group of like-minded, goal oriented people otherwise known as a Mastermind Group. The group served as a place to share ideas, brainstorm, and help each other reach our goals.
These meetings have meant so much to me over the years. Not only have I learned an incredible amount from the 70+ books we’ve read, I have forged lasting relationships both personally and professionally.
You may be saying to yourself, “I don’t know anyone that would want to do that.” If that’s the case, you may need to find some new friends. I have met tons of people at Barnes & Noble and Starbucks by just striking up a conversation with them. If someone is reading a book or magazine that is business related, I’ll just say, “What are you reading there?” It’s that easy. Most people read stuff that they are interested in and are happy to talk about it.
When forming your Mastermind group, I recommend meeting at least once a month for a minimum of 2 hours. Plan out an agenda so that the meeting itself is goal oriented. And it doesn’t have to be a book club. That is just how ours is set up. Be creative.
If you are the kind of person that is determined to be, do, and have what you want in life, start a Mastermind Group this month. You’ll be glad you did!
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Keyword Suggestion Tool
Whether you use it for search engine optimization (SEO) or pay per click, this keyword suggestion tool can help you with your online marketing. By figuring out what words and phrases are searched for most often, a true entrepreneur can find a niche and exploit it.
Let's say you google one of the words or phrases that a ton of people are searching for, and you see that there are little to no paid advertisements on the page. There may be an opportunity here. This is the question to ask yourself: Is there a product or service that I could sell to the people searching for those keywords?
Tom Antion, an internet marketing guru, found that a lot of people were searching for wedding toasts, and there weren't any products being pushed at them from paid advertisers. He hired somone off of Elance to write an ebook on wedding toasts, designed a simple brochure website, and makes about $20K a year off of it.
Let's say you google one of the words or phrases that a ton of people are searching for, and you see that there are little to no paid advertisements on the page. There may be an opportunity here. This is the question to ask yourself: Is there a product or service that I could sell to the people searching for those keywords?
Tom Antion, an internet marketing guru, found that a lot of people were searching for wedding toasts, and there weren't any products being pushed at them from paid advertisers. He hired somone off of Elance to write an ebook on wedding toasts, designed a simple brochure website, and makes about $20K a year off of it.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Handling Buyer’s Remorse
One of the most frustrating things in sales is when you sign up a client and get the dreaded “I’ve changed my mind” phone call the next day. After all the time you spent with them and the flawless presentation you gave, to no avail. You blame the prospect and spend the afternoon complaining to other sales reps.
Here’s the solution! It is handling buyer’s remorse before it handles you. If a client has agreed to buy my product or service, I say this, “Before we part today, I want to make sure that you are completely satisfied with our meeting and really want to move forward with this. Sometimes, a couple days go by and people change their minds. I just want to make sure that is not the case here.”
After I say that, I just shut up and listen. This is when the client speaks up and justifies to you how happy they are about the product or service. Get them to assure you that they have made up their mind, and you just got a client.
Here’s the solution! It is handling buyer’s remorse before it handles you. If a client has agreed to buy my product or service, I say this, “Before we part today, I want to make sure that you are completely satisfied with our meeting and really want to move forward with this. Sometimes, a couple days go by and people change their minds. I just want to make sure that is not the case here.”
After I say that, I just shut up and listen. This is when the client speaks up and justifies to you how happy they are about the product or service. Get them to assure you that they have made up their mind, and you just got a client.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Power of the V-Card
In our business, we meet with a lot of people in their houses. We just purchased some internet based software to help with property management called PropertyBoss and wanted to be able to access it during these meetings. I made a couple phone calls to some tech friends to see what our options were.
First, we looked into using my business partner's blue tooth capabilities on his phone to connect to the internet. Due to our physical location, Charleston, SC, that was not a viable solution yet. Next, we looked into getting a Verizon Wireless PC Card. It sounded like it made sense so we went with it.
We pay $60/mo now and can log onto the internet anywhere we want. We have not only been using it for our business, I have really enjoyed having it with me and being able to jump on the internet at any time. The only place that it hasn't worked so far was on top of a mountain at Snowshoe, West Virginia. Don't know about you but I can deal with that.
First, we looked into using my business partner's blue tooth capabilities on his phone to connect to the internet. Due to our physical location, Charleston, SC, that was not a viable solution yet. Next, we looked into getting a Verizon Wireless PC Card. It sounded like it made sense so we went with it.
We pay $60/mo now and can log onto the internet anywhere we want. We have not only been using it for our business, I have really enjoyed having it with me and being able to jump on the internet at any time. The only place that it hasn't worked so far was on top of a mountain at Snowshoe, West Virginia. Don't know about you but I can deal with that.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Social Networking Sites Niche It
You have heard of social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook. Heck, you probably have a profile on one of them. These are a couple of the hottest sites on the web.
Entrepreneurs have taken the idea behind social networking sites and have niched it. A perfect example of this is My Custom Car Space. What a great idea! A community that is catered specifically to custom car enthusiasts. Look for this trend to continue as entrepreneurs race to be the premier social networking site for their prospective industry or category.
FYI - News Corp bought Intermix Media, owner of MySpace, in July of 'o5 for $580 million. Now is the time to capitalize on this opportunity while it is still available.
Entrepreneurs have taken the idea behind social networking sites and have niched it. A perfect example of this is My Custom Car Space. What a great idea! A community that is catered specifically to custom car enthusiasts. Look for this trend to continue as entrepreneurs race to be the premier social networking site for their prospective industry or category.
FYI - News Corp bought Intermix Media, owner of MySpace, in July of 'o5 for $580 million. Now is the time to capitalize on this opportunity while it is still available.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Work Hard Once
Several years ago, I was reading Robert Kiyosaki's book Rich Dad Poor Dad and listening to a 12 disc CD set of his. One of the ideas that stood out was to "work hard once." He gave the example that he worked hard once writing that book. Now, he has the book to sell for the rest of his life.
One of my good friends, Andrew Turner, just exemplified this idea over the past 6 months. He created a custom piece of software for college planners. He picked up some books on programming, put the ideas from his head in motion, and now he has a product to sell. College Planner 2007 is available for $597. Andrew said he loves checking his email because every few days a new order pops in his inbox.
Some people may say to themselves, "Well I could never do that." That's ridiculous! You could just as easy have come up with the idea and hired a virtual assistant in India to do all the programming for you.
One of my good friends, Andrew Turner, just exemplified this idea over the past 6 months. He created a custom piece of software for college planners. He picked up some books on programming, put the ideas from his head in motion, and now he has a product to sell. College Planner 2007 is available for $597. Andrew said he loves checking his email because every few days a new order pops in his inbox.
Some people may say to themselves, "Well I could never do that." That's ridiculous! You could just as easy have come up with the idea and hired a virtual assistant in India to do all the programming for you.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
The Decision Maker
As a salesman, I only meet with a potential client if I know for a fact that all decision makers will be at the meeting. This allows me a certain level of control. Let's say that you just had a great meeting with Joe Buyer, and he let you know how much he loves your widgets. The only problem...Joe has to go home and run everything by his wife before a decision can be made. When people receive second hand information, it is often times distorted, confusing, and flat out wrong. You have lost control of the sale. You better hope Joe is an excellent salesman with an impeccable memory.
When I am the potential client for a product or service, I am a representative of the decision maker and cannot make a decision without their consent. The control is once again on my side. I cannot be pressured into making a decision on the spot because I must consult with my wife/partner/whatever.
When I am the potential client for a product or service, I am a representative of the decision maker and cannot make a decision without their consent. The control is once again on my side. I cannot be pressured into making a decision on the spot because I must consult with my wife/partner/whatever.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Higher Authority Angle
My company loaned one of our contractors several thousand dollars recently. He was going through some tough times so we helped him out. Several weeks later after he closed on an equity line, we expected to get paid back promptly. After a couple weeks, our renovation manager that communicates with the contractor kept getting the “check book for the equity line hasn’t come in yet so I can’t pay you” excuse. I told our renovation manager to let me call the contractor and see what I could do. This is where the higher authority angle came in.
I called our contractor and told him how familiar I was with equity lines. I let him know that if he simply placed a couple calls, he could access the money somehow without having to wait for a checkbook to come in the mail. I also told him that we expected to get paid by Friday (it was Wednesday at the time).
When a higher authority figure enters a situation, the person with whom you have to deal with will generally get a feeling of importance. They feel more appreciated. They become disarmed and will agree to a reasonable outcome to whatever problem you may be having.
When you come across a terribly difficult person to deal with, do the best you can, cut your losses, and move on.
I called our contractor and told him how familiar I was with equity lines. I let him know that if he simply placed a couple calls, he could access the money somehow without having to wait for a checkbook to come in the mail. I also told him that we expected to get paid by Friday (it was Wednesday at the time).
When a higher authority figure enters a situation, the person with whom you have to deal with will generally get a feeling of importance. They feel more appreciated. They become disarmed and will agree to a reasonable outcome to whatever problem you may be having.
When you come across a terribly difficult person to deal with, do the best you can, cut your losses, and move on.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
The Democratization of Information
“…millions of people are changing their habits when it comes to information acquisition. This has happened many times before: with the appearance of the printing press, then the telegraph, the telephone, radio, television, and internet.”
That is what Hugh Hewitt had to say in his book “Blog: Understanding the Information Reformation That’s Changing Your World.” Information has been controlled throughout the ages by kings and queens, pharos, chiefs, popes and presidents. Until now!
As Hewitt said in his book, “The power of the elites to determine what was news via a tightly controlled dissemination system is shattered. The ability and authority to distribute text is now truly democratized.”
Hewitt’s book is an entertaining and eye opening look into what “new media” is all about. Enjoy.
That is what Hugh Hewitt had to say in his book “Blog: Understanding the Information Reformation That’s Changing Your World.” Information has been controlled throughout the ages by kings and queens, pharos, chiefs, popes and presidents. Until now!
As Hewitt said in his book, “The power of the elites to determine what was news via a tightly controlled dissemination system is shattered. The ability and authority to distribute text is now truly democratized.”
Hewitt’s book is an entertaining and eye opening look into what “new media” is all about. Enjoy.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Save Yourself Some Time, "Go Negative"
I was on the phone the other day with a brand new tenant buyer that is moving into one of our properties. She was calling again to complain about some repair work that was not done to her satisfaction and her general dissatisfaction with her experience with our company so far. As I was explaining to her that the house was not brand new and that what she wanted was not on our scope of work, I realized I had a perfect opportunity to "go negative."
I interrupted her rant and said, "You know what, if you are this upset with the way we do business and the condition of the house, we should part ways and not do business together. We want the people that we work with to be raving fans. We will gladly refund your money."
It is amazing how this simple technique will immediately separate the people you want to work with from (as Dan Kennedy would say) the time vampires. She quickly retorted, "Well, these are very minor details that we can work out..."
I was able to diffuse her attack by "going negative." It may sound counter intuitive, but trust me, it works! The people that part ways are nothing more than time vampires disguised as potential clients. You just saved yourself some time.
I interrupted her rant and said, "You know what, if you are this upset with the way we do business and the condition of the house, we should part ways and not do business together. We want the people that we work with to be raving fans. We will gladly refund your money."
It is amazing how this simple technique will immediately separate the people you want to work with from (as Dan Kennedy would say) the time vampires. She quickly retorted, "Well, these are very minor details that we can work out..."
I was able to diffuse her attack by "going negative." It may sound counter intuitive, but trust me, it works! The people that part ways are nothing more than time vampires disguised as potential clients. You just saved yourself some time.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Googled Yourself Lately?
It's not necessarily an ego thing but a smart business move. Check out what Seth Godin had to say in his blog post titled "The first thing to do this year."
Generation We
Iconoculture, a company that tracks consumer trends for consumer giants like Sony, has dubbed kids under the age of 11 "Generation We." With an estimated buying power of 18 billion, entrepreneurs are turning their attention to this segment of the market. Never having known a world without the Internet, these children are consuming information in a very different way. These little opinionated tech savvy consumers are not responding to traditional media.
Opportunity awaits the proactive businessman. Being a pioneer marketer to this group could put you well ahead of the competition.
Opportunity awaits the proactive businessman. Being a pioneer marketer to this group could put you well ahead of the competition.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Virtual Phone System
We just changed our business phone system to a company called RingCentral. It is a virtual phone system for professionals and small businesses. We have a toll free 800 number that is used as our phone and fax. When someone calls, we set up a message that allows people to choose from seven different extensions depending on their question. On the backside of the system, you control how the call gets routed when someone presses a particular extension. If you want it to go straight to voicemail (like me), you can set it up that way. The voice mail is emailed to whatever email address you want in a WAV file. You can have each extension forwarded to a different phone # and each voice mail emailed to a different email address. Faxes arrive via email in a PDF. There are other functions that RingCentral offers, we are just in the beginning phases of learning to use this business tool to its fullest.
And guess what...all this for the low price of $29.99.
And guess what...all this for the low price of $29.99.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
"Close the File" Technique
If you are in sales, you have most likely had some kind of experience that correlates to the following scenario:
You're in a sales appointment. Your putting on your dog and pony show. The prospect is positive, and you think you've got the sale in the bag. You finish your presentation with a grin of accomplishment and low and behold the client says, "I'm going to think it over. I'll get back to you next week." And now the game begins.
You follow up with them, and they ask you to follow up with them in a month. This pattern repeats itself until finally, the "potential client" just doesn't call back. You spend more time thinking about how great that appointment went and continue to leave unreturned messages.
All the while, you're the busy guy who justifies how good of a salesman he is by the number of "Maybes" he is following up with.
Next time you get a "Let me think it over" just say, "I appreciate your time so far. It doesn't look like we are going to be a fit. I am going to go ahead and close the file. Thanks though!"
You have just saved yourself from a state of prolonged self delusion. The tire kickers have been unmasked, and the procrastinators have been put on the spot. You have taken back control. Make sure you are playing by your rules, not by theirs!
You're in a sales appointment. Your putting on your dog and pony show. The prospect is positive, and you think you've got the sale in the bag. You finish your presentation with a grin of accomplishment and low and behold the client says, "I'm going to think it over. I'll get back to you next week." And now the game begins.
You follow up with them, and they ask you to follow up with them in a month. This pattern repeats itself until finally, the "potential client" just doesn't call back. You spend more time thinking about how great that appointment went and continue to leave unreturned messages.
All the while, you're the busy guy who justifies how good of a salesman he is by the number of "Maybes" he is following up with.
Next time you get a "Let me think it over" just say, "I appreciate your time so far. It doesn't look like we are going to be a fit. I am going to go ahead and close the file. Thanks though!"
You have just saved yourself from a state of prolonged self delusion. The tire kickers have been unmasked, and the procrastinators have been put on the spot. You have taken back control. Make sure you are playing by your rules, not by theirs!
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Drowning in Minutia
A couple months ago, it was brought to my attention that we may not be utilizing QuickBooks to its potential for our business. That was just the tip of the iceberg.
Since the inception of our business, I have built elaborate Excel spreadsheets to track our individual property expenses, tenant income records, and investor loan records. I also had come across a real estate investor course (specifically geared towards setting up QuickBooks for our specific business model) that I thoughtfully placed on a shelf to collect dust for a couple years.
Finally, after enough frustration with the way we were set up by our accountant, I hired someone to read the course. It was implemented so we could start the year on our new accounting system. QuickBooks is now set up so that it tracks everything for us that I used to input into Excel manually. Between myself and my assistant, this will save us from a monotonous 4 to 6 hours per week of inputting data. Not included in those #'s is the time spent just thinking about not wanting to do it.
In the age of the Internet, there are so many quality programs and systems that can save both time and money. It's realizing that other ways of getting things done are out there that is difficult to see sometime.
What do you spend time doing in your business right now that could be handled more efficiently through the utilization of software?
Since the inception of our business, I have built elaborate Excel spreadsheets to track our individual property expenses, tenant income records, and investor loan records. I also had come across a real estate investor course (specifically geared towards setting up QuickBooks for our specific business model) that I thoughtfully placed on a shelf to collect dust for a couple years.
Finally, after enough frustration with the way we were set up by our accountant, I hired someone to read the course. It was implemented so we could start the year on our new accounting system. QuickBooks is now set up so that it tracks everything for us that I used to input into Excel manually. Between myself and my assistant, this will save us from a monotonous 4 to 6 hours per week of inputting data. Not included in those #'s is the time spent just thinking about not wanting to do it.
In the age of the Internet, there are so many quality programs and systems that can save both time and money. It's realizing that other ways of getting things done are out there that is difficult to see sometime.
What do you spend time doing in your business right now that could be handled more efficiently through the utilization of software?
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