Sunday, March 2, 2008

Find a Mentor & Do What Your Told

Whenever I first got started investing in real estate, I attended a 5 day seminar in Atlanta. It was an incredible experience! Although the seminar cost several thousand dollars to attend, I felt like I had gotten my money out of it by lunch on the first day. Finding a mentor who had been in the business for over 20 years was exactly what I needed.

One of the things that he said has stuck with me to this day. He said, "The worst mistake that you can make is not doing exactly what I tell you to do." He was not saying this from an arrogant view point. He was simply talking from experience. He has seen the market go up. He has seen the market go down and everything in between. He knows what works and what doesn't.

Every time that something isn't going as well it should or we are having some sort of problem in the business, I am reminded of his words. I have to ask myself, "What did he tell me to do that I am not doing?"

No matter what business you are involved with, having a mentor is key to your success. You can get where you want to be faster, more profitably, and without as many headaches. Seek out a mentor and do what is said. Once your system is running smoothe, then and only then, tweak what you are doing to strive for more.

P.S. A mentor relationship does not have to include personal contact. I have mentors that don't even know I exist. I learn from them through books, CDs, courses, etc.