Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Remote Desktop Access for the Remote Businessman – One Step Closer to Going Virtual

Within our company, there are four different computers that myself and associates use. I had a tech guy over to the office earlier today to help us with our setup. He mentioned that he could set a computer up so that no matter where I was in the world, as long as it was on, I could access my personal desktop from any computer just like I was sitting in front of it at home. So I said, “What are you waiting for?”

He started an account with (and by the way, it was a free account). Each of our company’s computers was added to the account, and we were ready to go. I was at an appointment later in the day at one of my friend’s houses and wanted to give it a test run. From my friend’s computer across town, I logged into the website and decided to pull up the computer that our office assistant uses. I did not expect for her to still be at the office, and when the screen came up, we could see that she was responding to an email in our account. Now, my reason for showing my friend and being excited about it was definitely not for spying reasons, but this was pretty amazing!

How could this be useful in business?

For me, being able to access information on any one of our computers from anywhere in the world is outstanding! We are in a big push to go virtual with everything we do in our business, and this is just one more step closer to the goal. I am not a tech person and get frustrated when my computer is having problems. Through this fine piece of technology, as long as any problem that I have is not a hardware problem, my tech guy can work on my computer from wherever the heck he wants to. I get easy access to all my personal files wherever and whenever and can give away that access as well. This whole concept of remote desktop access isn’t new at all…it’s new to me though, and I like it!

I heard about a similar company that offers remote desktop access. I don’t know the advantages or disadvantages between the two. Other applications such as web conferencing and collaboration are available through GoToMyPC.